Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Pssshhh, Relationships...

So, the last time I wrote I told you all about my family. While I covered the pertinent people in my life I "forgot" to mention my "father", if that is what he is... Yes, he was the reason for my creation but I don't know if he was ever much more than that to me. Anyways, enough about that awful mess and on to bigger and much better things.
Have you ever seriously thought about relationships? Not just boyfriend/girlfriend stuff but the relationships you have in general? They are pretty interesting. Friendships are great, you meet a person and then through proper evaluation of common interests mixed with a very basic non verbal personality test you decide that you can either be friends or just acquaintances. So why is it that the relationships we have with our family have to be sooo much more difficult to have/maintain? Why can it be, "I really don't think we have very much in common, and you kinda piss me off. Go away" and you just carry on as acquaintances? Everything is so much harder. Its usually "what is wrong? why don't you communicate with me? Don't you care about the rest of us? Why are you so self absorbed?" Good God, just think about it, if you were in this kind of relationship with a guy you would kill yourself because they are soo clingy. Every one hates clingy people until they become them. Wouldn't it be nice to just answer "Well, I don't talk to you because you say nothing that is at all important to me and we have nothing even remotely in common other than some genetics."? Oh, wow, if only in a perfect world...Now, I understand that there are many people that come from very functional families that all get along and it is sunshine and rainbows all the time(...no...?) but for those of us who have problems with trying to make it through family events or occasions with out mass amounts of hard liquor or throwing yourself in front of a moving car, hopefully you can relate to what I have written and don't think that I am absolutely crazy.
By now you are probably thinking, " God, this girl is a serious cynic and has a strong hate for the world", but I promise that I actually do have some really amazing relationships. The best part of it all  is that these are the relationships that I choose to have. These people are in my life because I picked them out of the universe (or maybe they picked me.. who knows) and thought they were important enough to be here. These are the people who matter and the ones that continue to make you either laugh, cry or inspire you in some way. These are the ones that greatly surmount the negativity in our lives. And these relationships are the ones that remind us the we are not alone no matter how alone we feel.
Even when we have noting we always have something- Friends

Chocolate and Poptarts (and friends),

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